Feathers From the Nest

Monday, April 12, 2010

You just never know.

I've been getting quite a chuckle out of my oldest child lately. When Rachel was a little girl.. right up until she left home as a young adult I tried like crazy to teach her to cook, clean.. be domestic. She fought it at every turn. I couldn't bribe her into the kitchen for anything!
As I watch from a distance now it amazes me how much she actually absorbed... apparently through osmosis! What on earth happened? She now LOVES to cook. In fact, she loves to "toy" with recipes just like her Momma! If you check out her Facebook page you'll inevitably see a running menu of delicious sounding meals.
She's become quite the "coupon queen" as well. I figured out that if you want to really get her excited.. tell her your sending her a pile of coupons! Her husband, Adam thinks she actually gets an adrenaline rush from seeing how much money she can save. Well, duh Adam, and so should you!
Over the years I've gone through quite a few phases of learning how to eat healthy and as naturally as possible. Well, low and behold, my candy sucking, junk food loving child is now on the organic food band wagon!
You know, it really just proves something. Young Mamas... don't give up. Keep teaching, training, living an example to your daughters. Eventually, no matter how much they resist they'll come around. Not quite sure how that happens? Maturity? Parenthood? Or... maybe it was all that whispering in her ear after she fell asleep? Whatever it was, I'm a pretty proud Mama...and she's quite the Mama too!