Feathers From the Nest

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today has me doing a lot of reminiscing. It is the first day of school for most of the kids here in San Antonio and around the country. So many Mommies and Daddies are sending their "little" ones off for their first day of Kindergarten. I remember those days. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that my "babies" were starting their first days in school.

I remember so clearly all those mixed feelings. Pride, in how big they had gotten. Sadness, that they would no longer need me as much. Anticipation, for the new experiences that lay ahead. Hope, that they were ready for the "big, bad world". Such conflict. Such a tangled web of emotions.

Our lives would no longer be our own. We would now be governed by the school calendar. No more sleeping in as long as we want. No more impromptu trips. Routines, schedules, extra curricular activities would now govern our lives.
In the end, as I look back on those days, I've come to realize that all of those feelings, as mixed up as they were, were a good thing! They were all valid. They were a marker of progress and growth.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I miss the smell of a newborn. I miss the quiet, middle of the night nursing. I miss the "Mommy, can I help?" when I'm working in the kitchen. I miss the sleepy faces climbing into my lap first thing in the morning. I miss the feeling of a little body snuggled next to mine during a nap. I miss turning the radio up to an ungodly volume on the way to school while singing the "Cartoon Song". I miss marching band, concert choir, and Tae Kwon Do tournaments.

Today I watched my "baby" climb into his car and drive himself off to his first day of college classes. I didn't feel the sadness or melancholy of that first day of kindergarten. Rather, my heart swelled with pride at this young man that God gave to us nearly 19 years ago. As I looked into his face this morning I was reminded that this is the whole point to life, children and family. To raise a responsible, independent adult who can make his own way in the world. One who can be a light in darkness.

In order for that to happen, you have to get past that first tooth. The first wobbly steps. The first day of kindergarten. The first day of middle school. The first day of high school and... the first day of college.

Life is full of "firsts". I'm looking forward to the next "first".

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friends Are Friends Forever....(cue the music)

Recently I got a wonderful surprise in the mail. A friend that I've known for 20 yrs. (but haven't had a lot of contact with for the last 15)sent me a box filled with a whole collection of vintage linens. It also contained some paper potato bags from Maine. (I come from Maine, which is where Kathy and I met and became friends. Maine is also known for their potatoes,especially in Aroostook County where we were stationed at Loring, AFB together.
When I showed Brian the contents of my box he made the comment; "Well that's a little odd!" To which I replied, "No, Kathy knows me." In Brian's male brain it was weird that someone I really haven't had a lot of contact with over the past 15 yrs. would send me a box, out of the blue, full of things that he saw no value in.
You see, sometimes men just don't get it! What Brian didn't understand is that there are people in your life that while you may not talk to them for a long time, you can pick up the phone, write a note, or send a wonderful surprise box and it's like you've been talking every day! They know you. They know what you love. They know what you hate. They understand who you are and how you think. Those are the people who just "get" you! Those kinds of people don't come around very often. Most people don't invest or take the time to get to know you that well. Those are the friendships that are lasting, wonderful and forever.
I am blessed to have several wonderful people in my life like this. We may not talk often, or we may talk every day. Irregardless they are the people I know I can call at 3am... or not for years, we're still friends.... forever.
To all my "forever friends", and you know who you are, You are loved.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Reality

We live in a world that embraces make believe. We love fantasy. Movies transport us to worlds we can only imagine. Sometimes the fantasy is so "out there" we can file it away as just that. Fantasy. Other times the story is so real and we find ourselves relating to the characters so closely that our emotions can get caught up in the story. (Thus, the reason girls cry over romantic story lines.)
I've never been a fan of movies where the supernatural was prevalent. Movies about the Occult or anything even close have always really creeped me out. To me, that's just getting to close to flirting with reality, and the reality is that the world of satan and his minions is very,very real.
We caught a glimpse of that on Sunday morning. Those of us who have felt the call of God to reach out to the Arts community decided to go down to the Blue Star Arts District to see what was being offered in the way of spiritual things. We had a fair idea of what we would be walking into however, I think I can say we were totally unprepared for what we found.
About a hundred people, all stages in life gathered at a place called "Celebration Circle". Small children, the elderly... they were all there. Their eyes however all held the same expression. Emptiness. As we approached the doors the sense that we were about to enter enemy territory hit.
I will never forget the face of the man who "greeted" us at the door. He was NOT welcoming. NOT friendly. Almost wore a look of disdain. (I wonder now who I was looking at.)
The smell of incense was powerful. As we entered the room (a rented theater space) we stood far to the back of the room in a corner. Our goal was to just observe. Just as we acclimated to the room the leader instructed the group to turn to the east and begin "praying" to the "fire". (The sun) Soon they were chanting... "We are one".
Ok, so this is where we saw the exit and took it. Quickly. The same empty eyed, unfriendly man who was at the door when we entered opened the door for us as we left.
Guess what? It could have been the scene in a movie. It wasn't. It was REAL LIFE. There are people in downtown San Antonio who every Sunday gather to worship themselves, the earth, anything and everything other than the One True God. These are people who are searching for truth and acceptance. People who need to be introduced to the One that can give them joy, happiness and eternal life. These are the artists, musicians, creative people that the mainstream church has pushed aside. They are looking for love, acceptance and the deeper meaning of life.
I have no doubt we encountered the darkness that morning. I am quite sure the enemy is not too happy with us. After all, he is not omniscient. He didn't know we were coming, but he knows now! I'm guessing he isn't too happy about it either. As dark and scary as it is, it exists. We saw it. THAT is REALITY!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Freedom Of Being Six!

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend who was relaying a conversation with their six year old to me. Seems during a ride in the car someone was driving in a manner that caused Dad to say, "That person is driving like an idiot!". From the back seat, a little voice piped up and said, "Well Daddy, maybe he IS an idiot!"

I can clearly remember a similar situation when I was a kid. My dad had taken my brothers to a basketball game. (This was back when smoking in public didn't have all of the restrictions and people pretty much smoked wherever they liked.) My brother, who was likely about 6 (although I don't remember his exact age) saw a large woman smoking a cigarette and said, "You know you're going to die!" If I remember correctly he also tried to engage her in conversation about "why she was so fat". You just have to know that my dad wanted to crawl under the bleachers or head for the nearest exit! Sometimes our kids can put us in such embarrassing situations. You gotta love their honesty!

Being a kid can have such freedom! Kids don't have a filter between their thoughts and their mouths. Whatever they think, they usually will say. Somewhere along the way they get that filter installed and realize that sometimes it's better to not say whatever they are thinking.

Do you ever wish that you could just say whatever you and everyone around is thinking? Sometimes there is this big elephant in the room and everyone wants to point it out but no one dares. I have been in many conversations where speaking what I really thought would have been so easy! The only problem with doing so is that it likely would leave me with few people willing to carry on a conversation with me!

Figuring out how to speak the truth in love is the key. I think we often will miss opportunities to speak truth into someone's life or into a particular situation because we can't figure out how to deliver what we have to say in such a way that the receiver will accept it well. Kids can just blurt out whatever they think and everyone will chalk it up to being a child. Have an adult do the same and people get downright offended.

I'm still trying to figure out when it's right to speak the truth in love and when it's just better to keep my mouth shut. Most times I think I probably fail miserably at this.

I think I'd rather be six!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Being Still

How do you feel when things are totally quiet? I mean, not a sound. I LOVE it when that happens. Listening to the silence is wonderful. It is then that I can really "hear".
You may wonder what it is that I "hear". I can hear my own thought process. I can hear God speak. I can hear my response to Him. Our lives are so full of "noise". We have radio, television, iphones, computers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, mowers, cars, trains, airplanes. The list is endless. All of those things fill our lives with so much noise! Our brains are constantly processing that noise.
When it is completely silent, nothing to distract us... that is when we can hear clearly. Answers suddenly don't seem so distant. Clarity seems so much easier.

Maybe that's why God told us to "BE STILL... and know that I am God". Maybe that's the reason that it is one of my favorite verses.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are you sure you know?

I recently read an article written by an Air Force Colonel. In the article he related a story of his days at the Academy and a man who was "just the janitor". Seems a quiet, unassuming man that they took for granted as they passed him each day was far more than what he appeared. The fact that he cleaned up after them, scrubbing their toilets, buffing the floors and emptying the trash led them to think little of him or his work. One day, one of them stumbled onto an article that changed their whole perspective. Turns out, the janitor was a WW2 Hero. Suddenly, the Cadet's attitude changed toward a man they once considered "just a janitor".

You know, I have often struggled with those who seem to think that everyone has to "fit the mold". We often look for the "natural leader". We seek out the "Influencer". We want to socialize with the popular. We look down on the janitor's in life.

When Brian and I were stationed in Germany we would often take day trips to different places. One day, on one of our trips, I stepped into the "water closet" (restroom) It was not uncommon for the public restrooms to have attendants who would go into the stalls and clean after each use. As I waited for my turn, I watched a tiny, stooped, elderly woman clean toilet seats, pick up paper and wipe down sinks. Soon, it was my turn and as I passed this woman I noticed something that would would forever change my life. On her wrist there was a tattoo. Numbers. Identification. It hit me. She was a concentration camp survivor. Tears sprang to my eyes. This woman had undoubtedly endured the most horrendous of circumstances. Something that I would, by God's grace, never have to experience. As I stood in the stall, leaning against the door I cried for her. This woman should be tending a flower garden, drinking tea with her friends, anywhere but wiping down a toilet for me to use. I struggled with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to embrace her. To tell her how sorry I was for what she had had to endure. All because she was a Jew (or Jew sympathizer). Finally, after I pulled myself together I left the stall, washed my hands and made intentional eye contact with her as I left. I touched her arm and said, "thank you". She looked up at me with tired, worn eyes. A flicker of surprise crossed her face. She nodded, dropped her gaze and continued her duties.

Our world loves the popular. We love the limelight. We crave the attention of the masses. Accolades, honors, trophies, certificates, financial success are all indicators of our achievements. We love to be around the people who attain those things while the person who quietly goes about "cleaning the toilets" gets very little attention.

The fact of the matter is that every day we have no idea who we may be overlooking. What talent do we miss? What creativity have we pushed aside? What story have we not heard? What have we erroneously assumed?

Even worse is the way we often treat and talk about those ones that are "different". We cast wary glances at the teen who dresses differently. We whisper about the socially backward young adult who just doesn't seem to fit in. We avoid the shy and withdrawn because they just aren't fun. If you knew that that person you avoid has the potential to be a musical genius would you still avoid them? Why?

The CREATOR of the universe came to earth as a humble carpenter's son, was born in a shack, grew up poor and was shunned by most. The world did not recognize who He was. Yet, that didn't change the fact that He WAS GOD.

Are you sure you know who you are overlooking? Are you sure you know what potential and hidden talent you may be writing off just because they don't look, dress or act like you? Are you sure you haven't met the next Mozart, Michael Angelo, Elisabeth Barrett Browning, Steve Wozniack, Pablo Piccaso or Steven Spielberg? Are you sure you wouldn't ignore, avoid or make fun of The Creator if He were to walk among us today? Are you sure?

Are you sure you know?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ponds are a nasty business!

Boy am I glad that pond plants only have to be divided and re-potted every couple of years! THAT was a nasty mess! Before I started I called a friend who has a pond and asked if she'd like some new plants. She said she would and that she'd come by to pick them up later in the day. You see, it would have killed me to have to throw away plants I couldn't use! I also love the idea of passing on some plants to my friend's gardens.
I've been putting this chore off for a couple of months now because I knew it would be a big mess and not one I was looking forward to. The first group I tackled were the pond Iris. They've been in the corner of my pond for more than 2 yrs. The rhizomes had begun to grow over the edges of the container and roots were entangled in the little drainage holes of the planting container. It was a mess trying to getting that little (BIG) bugger out of its pot! I divided the plant up and ended up with quite a few extras for my friend.
Next was the BIG one! Bog Bamboo. This plant has given me fits for several weeks now as it has gotten so large that every time the wind blows it topples over. (These plants are in specialized containers and sit on the elevated ledges of the pond) I knew this one was going to be a pain and so went directly for the butcher knife! The roots from the bamboo had entangled themselves in the cords for the fountains, pumps etc. and unfortunately made a great hiding place for my fish. They also were a fabulous natural filter. They were however, creating quite a mess and so had to go.
I divided this monstrosity into 3 huge sections. I only needed one, so Jeannie got the other two as her pond is twice as big as mine. All in all it took over 3 hours to get this nasty chore accomplished. The filtering system we have is fantastic so my water quickly cleared up after all of the disturbance and my Shebunkins (fish) are happily enjoying their habitat albeit minus their hiding place. I have no doubt that those bamboo roots will come back quick enough.
You know, as I was busy digging my hands into the pond slime and dirt to loosen the roots from the containers it occurred to me that my chore was a great metaphor for life.
The leaves on the pond iris leaves had begun to turn a yellow color. They were no longer getting the nutrients they needed from the soil. In order for them to get healthy again they had to be torn from their container, cut apart and re-potted in a new container with fresh clean soil with plenty of room for their roots and new growth.
Sometimes our lives get so full of things we get accustomed to. We get settled. Our roots get deeply planted and become entangled with whatever surrounds us. The problem is, our lives get so compacted, so entangled with the "everyday" that there is no room for growth. No new friends, no new hobbies, no new learning experiences. We start to get "yellow". While a healthy root system is a must, it is essential that we provide room for new growth. Sometimes it takes drastic measures to clean the "dirt" and "slime" from our lives. Sometimes it can be a nasty mess but it is really important for our health spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
That's why I love gardening. It gives me time to think. Time to reflect. Time to ponder the complexities of life. It also provides great lessons for life.
I think I'll go sit out by my newly planted pond and watch the "Shebunkins" while the sun sets and thank God for the simple things that teach such great lessons.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Nature Of Things

It's been quite awhile since I have added anything to my blog. You can chalk that up to the business of life, laziness or whatever excuse works for you!
In all seriousness, this is the time of the year when I would rather be out "playing in the dirt" than writing about it. That being said, I've had several people lately ask when I was going to update my blog. Seems I can't get away with laziness for very long! Here is what I've been "up to" lately.

Last year we had our front yard completely torn out and landscaped. It was a process that took several weeks. If you know anything about me, you know that I love tearing things apart (houses, yards, furniture, recipes) redesigning and putting them back together. The landscaping project really filled the bill for me. I loved the entire process from start to finish. It is still not "completely" done, nor do I expect I'll ever declare it such. You see, when it comes to gardening it is an evolving process. That's why I love it so much!
This summer I began working on our Backyard. Or, as the British would say, "The Gardens". In actuality it really is turning into the "gardens". Several new beds have been dug and are now in the process of being filled with all sorts of different perennials, herbs, flowers etc.
Recently, I discovered Sedum. Sedum are succulents of which there are more than 600 varieties. They LOVE our Texas heat and can go for long periods without water. (Of course I chose this year, the year we broke the "San Antonio Drought" to start planting them.) They also will spread and propagate new "babies" quite easily. At first, I wasn't so sure I liked these little toughies as they didn't seem at all colorful, and I LOVE color! Further research enlightened me however and I discovered that they do indeed flower and are quite pretty!
A few days ago a friend and I took a trip to a quaint little Texas town about 15 minutes outside of San Antonio. There we found a little privately owned nursery along the Comal River. The lady who owns the place had quite an impressive array of native Texas plants along with the usual annuals. I came home with a few "babies" for my gardens. I can't wait to see how they do.
I've always loved herbs. This may be due to an inherited love from my mother, (Who incidentally had the most spectacular gardens while i was growing up.) or maybe it is my love for cooking. Either way, I love having fresh herbs just outside my patio. Currently, I've got Basil, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, several different varieties of Thyme and Mint. I just added Lavender this week, which technically isn't an herb. I LOVE all things with a lavender scent!
The newest "bed" to be put in is still a blank slate. I'm not quite sure what will end up in it. You see? That's the fun of it all! Searching for just the right plants to nestle into the freshly turned soil and then watch them mature and grow.
Yesterday I discovered a dead baby Morning Dove in the back yard. Not sure what happened to him but I suspect he fell out of the tree and broke his neck. Not 10 minutes later I discovered a dead garden snake. I think the dogs may have gotten that one. Dachsunds 1. Snakes 0.
I've counted over 10 different varieties of Butterflies and seen an impressive array of Dragonflies and several birds I have never seen before. I think all the rain we've been blessed with has really encouraged quite an array of new species to visit my "gardens".
Last night, as I sat on the patio listening to the Cichadas, I mapped out the next plan for the "gardens". It looks like a firepit surrounded by pea gravel and several more beds and pathways will eventually be added.
Now, if I can just figure out how to motivate these men I live with to get out there and do the digging!

Monday, April 12, 2010

You just never know.

I've been getting quite a chuckle out of my oldest child lately. When Rachel was a little girl.. right up until she left home as a young adult I tried like crazy to teach her to cook, clean.. be domestic. She fought it at every turn. I couldn't bribe her into the kitchen for anything!
As I watch from a distance now it amazes me how much she actually absorbed... apparently through osmosis! What on earth happened? She now LOVES to cook. In fact, she loves to "toy" with recipes just like her Momma! If you check out her Facebook page you'll inevitably see a running menu of delicious sounding meals.
She's become quite the "coupon queen" as well. I figured out that if you want to really get her excited.. tell her your sending her a pile of coupons! Her husband, Adam thinks she actually gets an adrenaline rush from seeing how much money she can save. Well, duh Adam, and so should you!
Over the years I've gone through quite a few phases of learning how to eat healthy and as naturally as possible. Well, low and behold, my candy sucking, junk food loving child is now on the organic food band wagon!
You know, it really just proves something. Young Mamas... don't give up. Keep teaching, training, living an example to your daughters. Eventually, no matter how much they resist they'll come around. Not quite sure how that happens? Maturity? Parenthood? Or... maybe it was all that whispering in her ear after she fell asleep? Whatever it was, I'm a pretty proud Mama...and she's quite the Mama too!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Since my Facebook post caused quite a bit of conversation regarding whether or not children belong in a Worship Service I thought I would move the conversation to this venue in order to clarify my question and my thoughts regarding this topic.
First, let me say that I do believe that this subject deserves much more in the way of dialogue than most Sr. Pastor's are willing to have. We have created a culture within our churches that segregates children from all else in order to create "Environments where guests and the un-churched will not be distracted." It is my personal opinion that this is a grave mistake. Putting the practical implications of this aside, (Children who do not know how to behave in a worship service or interact in a multi-generational venue.)we must understand the deeper issues.
In the end, we must go to Scripture to find the principles, and maybe even the commands set before us with regard to this discussion. Thus, my question regarding the sufficiency of Scripture.
It is important to understand that to get a balanced view we must also understand that the primary Discipler in the life of a child should ALWAYS be the parents. It is NOT nor has it ever been the respondsability of the Church to be the primary Biblical teacher of our children. In fact, Sunday School and Children's Church are quite new concepts in the life of the Church. It is also important to note that Sunday School was not "invented" for the purpose of teaching Christian kids, in Christian homes to attend. It was created for those children who did not have that kind of teaching/training in their homes. (The unsaved/un-churched.) It doesn't take one too long to see the results of Parents giving over the primary training of Scripture to the church.
All throughout Scripture we find examples of children being present with adults during times of Scripture teaching. In fact, they must have been present during the times that Jesus was teaching the Disciples. (Matt. 18:1-5) (For more examples of the commands in Scripture for Children to be brought to Corporate Worship just shoot me an e-mail and I'd be happy to send those to you.)
Finally, lest you think I am proposing the dissolution of all things Children's Ministry let me assure you I am not. There is, however, a real need for us to understand that in order to reclaim a generation (and further generations) we must get back to what God's true plan was. PARENTS MUST DISCIPLE THEIR CHILDREN. The Church provides SUPPORT.
That looks like this in a Christian church going home:
Parents: Primary spiritual teacher/trainer (in missions, evangelism, scriptural knowledge)
Church: Support system through clubs, SS. classes, etc.
Peers: Encouragement/Social (Youth ministry, Camps etc.)

In the life of an unsaved/un-churched child/teen it looks like this:
Peers- The first line of evangelism
Church- The connection to the Body of Christ and Scripture
Parents- Hopefully reached through the ministry of the church to the child/teen

So when I asked the question here is what I was getting at:

1. The sufficiency of Scripture
This issue, and all issues of Christian living, needs to be approached through the
lens of “Sola Scriptura.” God’s Word has given us all that we need, by way of its
commands, as well as its patterns, for all decisions related to faith and practice. So
our concern on this question of “do children belong in church?” or “should
families be called to worship together in church?” needs to be addressed with the
patterns1 and commands found in Scripture. “Sola Scriptura” points us to ask, “If
we only had the Bible to refer to in making a decision about this issue, what
would we conclude?”
2. The responsibility of parents to be the primary spiritual trainers of their children.
The responsibility for the discipleship of children is given to parents as the first
application of the Great Commandment in Deuteronomy 6:5ff and directly to
parents, specifically fathers, in Ephesians 6:4.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
strength. These commands that I give to you today are to be upon your hearts.
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home.” - Deut
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children, but bring them up in the training and
instruction of the Lord.” – Eph. 6:4
3. The vision of multi-generational faithfulness spreading the gospel to all nations.
The third foundation for this issue has to do with the mission of the church to
make disciples and to spread the gospel to all nations. Throughout the Scriptures,
from the first command to multiply throughout the earth, a vision and plan is
presented of generation after generation of God’s people bringing the message of
God’s truth and love to all people. The link between the discipleship of children
and the mission to bring the love of God to all nations is clearly seen in Genesis
18:18-19 where we discover that Abraham’s specific responsibility in seeing
God’s kingdom mission fulfilled was the spiritual training of his own children and

In short: Parents, take back your role as the Spiritual Leader of your children. Give your children the opportunity to be involved in multi-generational worship. Know that they are far more capable of understanding "adult" teaching than what we give them credit for. Let them see you worship the God that you love. Let them see the ENTIRE church (the Body of Christ) in Worship. Help them feel accepted and a part of what we have gotten so good at excluding them from. Finally, forget the idea that a Sunday morning Worship Service is a venue for deep Biblical teaching. That should happen in our SS classes, Bible Studies or even in our own personal feeding times etc. (I've probably opened another can of worms with that one!)

We need to work hard in a decaying society to claim the next generation for Christ. I truly believe that if our families will start at home and then worship together with the Body of Christ we might just have a fighting chance.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Rachel called the other day. Seems Annslie was showing signs of "colic". If you are a Mom you may be familiar with that term. The medical community has had quite a time defining exactly what "colic" is. At first colic and gas were interchangeable terms. Then, as with any other malady ideas changed and therefore the definition.
Anyway, seems Rach had tried everything. Warm baths, running the vacuum cleaner (Which seemed to help but you can only run a vacuum for so long!) nursing. She tried it all and needless to say was getting a bit desperate!
When Addyson was born we got Rachel a "Moby". If you aren't familiar with what a "Moby" is, it is basically a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around Mom's body in such a way as to provide a snug little place for baby to "ride". This isn't really such a new idea. Many cultures have been using this method of carrying babies for hundreds of years. After all, did you ever see an African mommy with a playpen or swing sitting in her hut? (I wonder if African babies get "colic"?)
Anyway, I suggested to Rach that she put Annslie in the "Moby" and get her up really snug against her chest. This would provide warmth, and the ability for Annslie to hear her mommy's familiar heartbeat. A comforting place to hide.
You see, one of the most recent findings is that babies who are born early or have later developing receptors get to a time in the day when everything is on "overload". (Back in the day, we called it "The witching hour".) The theory is that warmth, the soothing sound of mommy's heartbeat and maybe even skin contact calms all of those "mis-firings" down and therefore calms baby.
Well, it worked! Rachel plopped little Miss Annslie's butt in the Moby wrap and within seconds voila'!
Now, this got me to thinking... I think we as adults get "colic" too! We get to a point in our lives when everything just seems to "misfire". We are on "system overload". All we want to do is scream! Well? Why wouldn't a figurative "moby" work?
What we really need is to just get back to something familiar. Something warm, comforting. Back to something very basic. I think sometimes we put so much "over-stimulation" in our lives we forget how to be "quiet". We forget how to "Be Still".
So why not? Why not pull things in close. Get back to something very basic. Eliminate the unnecessary. Maybe if more people did... we'd have less "colicky" adults running around!
Just a thought.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've given a lot of thought the last few days to something really kind of odd. Stretching.
You know, it feels good to stretch. Whether first thing in the morning, before a workout, or after sitting for a long time, it feels good.
Then there are times when stretching doesn't feel so good. Those times when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. Learning something new. I've had a lot of that lately in my life. With the start of a new job there have been lots of things that I've had to learn and will continue to learn over the coming weeks and months.
I won't lie. There have been moments of frustration at not being able to quite figure out how to get certain things to work. I don't like not being able to get things quickly however, it actually feels good to "stretch" my brain. Learning new things, meeting new people, starting a new routine, finding a new rhythm has given me a sense of adventure and excitement. (When I'm not cursing the computer or other inanimate object!)
When you stop to think about it, what is the object of being stretched? To gain flexibility! In that respect one of the things I've noticed about older folks is that they loose their "flexibility". I wonder if this is because they resist being stretched? Learning new things. Exploring new ideas. If we can somehow maintain the wisdom that comes with age but also be open to new ideas, thoughts and ways of doing things I think maybe we can stay flexible!
So.... here's to stretching! I just hope I don't pull a muscle in the process!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today (in Australia) is our middle "baby's" birthday. Brianna turns 22 today. How fast the time has flown. I so clearly remember the day Brianna was born.
It was not an easy pregnancy. At about 7 months we had a routine ultrasound performed both to check gestational age but also because we wanted to find out what we were having! What normally would have been quite routine began a chain of events that ultimately ended up in an early delivery for Brianna.
As the ultrasound technician scanned my belly I watched intently. (I have always been fascinated by medical things.) Being able to "see" this little person that was living my my stomach was such a cool thing. Everything was there... fingers, toes, a little nose and yes, those chubby, chubby cheeks were already there. Her little heart was beating and... as the technician pointed out, "There's the upside-down McDonald's sign." (Indicating that indeed we were having another little girl.) But, as the tech measured head size, femur length etc. she noted that something didn't look quite right. Unable to disclose what she was seeing she went to get the midwife.
What they thought they were seeing was a breakdown in the placenta and a lack of acceptable growth of this little person. The feeling that comes over you when you hear that there may be something very wrong with your baby and their development is undescribable.
Fear washed over me. We had already lost a baby. I didn't know if I could endure the loss of another.
What the Drs. decided was that I was burning more calories than I was taking in. (I wonder if running a 12 child daycare out of my home had anything to do with that??) Their prescription was for me to drink a very high protein drink made up of protein powder, ice cream, and raw eggs AFTER I was in bed for the evening. Great, who doesn't like a milkshake delivered to them in bed after a long day?
WRONG.... What that prescription brought on was NOT fun. Horrible leg cramps, serious kidney infections (from an overload of protein) and a whole host of other issues continued for many weeks. After ending up in the hospital more than once and passing out in the middle of the kitchen floor at 6am in the morning they finally decided that enough was enough. Brianna would be better off "out" than "in". In the end, Brianna was just fine. Which goes to prove that even with all of the advancements in medical technology they can sometimes get it wrong! Either that or God just overrules!
You know, as I think back to those days they seem like such a distant memory but at the same time like they were yesterday. Even with all of the physical and emotional stress that accompanied Brianna's arrival I would not for even one second change any of it. From the moment she was born she has been such a joy. Oh, don't get me wrong... we had the typical "I don't think she's going to live to see...." days! A very stubborn nature (She once went two days without looking at or speaking to her "Grandpy" because he spanked her!) and the tenacity of a little pit bull puppy often landed her in a fair amount of trouble. However, along with those traits came a little girl who has a penchant for finding fun every where she went. (And still does!)
I've often said Brianna came out singing. She has always loved to make music and has made some of her most hated tasks, whether chores, schoolwork and even pain more bearable by singing her way through them.
This is the very first time in her life that Brianna hasn't been at home to celebrate her birthday. It makes me a bit sad because I'm quite aware that it will likely be the beginning of many that she will not share "at home". Yet another reminder that life moves on.
To say that it is strange having grown adult children is an understatement. We work hard to raise healthy, happy, responsible adults and before we know it... they are gone. Adults. Out in the world making their own way. It's odd isn't it, how fast that happens?
Happy Birthday Brianna! You are loved more than the sun, moon and stars!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Phases of Life

There are times in life when you wake up and suddenly realize that you've entered a new "phase".
Sometimes this may come as a welcome change. Others, we maybe head into grudgingly, unwilling to admit that time moves on and life changes.

There have been lots of changes to our "nest" lately and this Momma Bird is noting them.
As if a career change isn't enough add another grand baby to the mix along with sending a child to the other side of the planet (literally) and the preparation of the last "baby" for high school graduation and I'd say that I'm pretty much "phased out"!

Where has the time gone? Is it just me or do the days seem to be speeding by faster than ever? When I was the mom of preschoolers I felt like I was stuck in a never ending version of "Groundhog Day". Then, all of a sudden, without warning, those little faces are grown (and having their own babies!) moving to the other ends of the earth and have grown taller than their Daddy!

I am hoping that what will be documented here will not only document all the changes in life but will in some way provide encouragement to those who have yet to reach these those milestones in life. Life is constantly about changes... phases.... I guess the key is how we adapt, adjust and welcome each new phase. I hope I can navigate this one gracefully!