Feathers From the Nest

Friday, February 19, 2010


Rachel called the other day. Seems Annslie was showing signs of "colic". If you are a Mom you may be familiar with that term. The medical community has had quite a time defining exactly what "colic" is. At first colic and gas were interchangeable terms. Then, as with any other malady ideas changed and therefore the definition.
Anyway, seems Rach had tried everything. Warm baths, running the vacuum cleaner (Which seemed to help but you can only run a vacuum for so long!) nursing. She tried it all and needless to say was getting a bit desperate!
When Addyson was born we got Rachel a "Moby". If you aren't familiar with what a "Moby" is, it is basically a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around Mom's body in such a way as to provide a snug little place for baby to "ride". This isn't really such a new idea. Many cultures have been using this method of carrying babies for hundreds of years. After all, did you ever see an African mommy with a playpen or swing sitting in her hut? (I wonder if African babies get "colic"?)
Anyway, I suggested to Rach that she put Annslie in the "Moby" and get her up really snug against her chest. This would provide warmth, and the ability for Annslie to hear her mommy's familiar heartbeat. A comforting place to hide.
You see, one of the most recent findings is that babies who are born early or have later developing receptors get to a time in the day when everything is on "overload". (Back in the day, we called it "The witching hour".) The theory is that warmth, the soothing sound of mommy's heartbeat and maybe even skin contact calms all of those "mis-firings" down and therefore calms baby.
Well, it worked! Rachel plopped little Miss Annslie's butt in the Moby wrap and within seconds voila'!
Now, this got me to thinking... I think we as adults get "colic" too! We get to a point in our lives when everything just seems to "misfire". We are on "system overload". All we want to do is scream! Well? Why wouldn't a figurative "moby" work?
What we really need is to just get back to something familiar. Something warm, comforting. Back to something very basic. I think sometimes we put so much "over-stimulation" in our lives we forget how to be "quiet". We forget how to "Be Still".
So why not? Why not pull things in close. Get back to something very basic. Eliminate the unnecessary. Maybe if more people did... we'd have less "colicky" adults running around!
Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of "colicky" adults out there. LOL..and the moby is amazing. Amelia loves it..she walked around with mommy for a bit looking at everything and then she just fell asleep. So cute!
