Feathers From the Nest

Friday, February 19, 2010


Rachel called the other day. Seems Annslie was showing signs of "colic". If you are a Mom you may be familiar with that term. The medical community has had quite a time defining exactly what "colic" is. At first colic and gas were interchangeable terms. Then, as with any other malady ideas changed and therefore the definition.
Anyway, seems Rach had tried everything. Warm baths, running the vacuum cleaner (Which seemed to help but you can only run a vacuum for so long!) nursing. She tried it all and needless to say was getting a bit desperate!
When Addyson was born we got Rachel a "Moby". If you aren't familiar with what a "Moby" is, it is basically a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around Mom's body in such a way as to provide a snug little place for baby to "ride". This isn't really such a new idea. Many cultures have been using this method of carrying babies for hundreds of years. After all, did you ever see an African mommy with a playpen or swing sitting in her hut? (I wonder if African babies get "colic"?)
Anyway, I suggested to Rach that she put Annslie in the "Moby" and get her up really snug against her chest. This would provide warmth, and the ability for Annslie to hear her mommy's familiar heartbeat. A comforting place to hide.
You see, one of the most recent findings is that babies who are born early or have later developing receptors get to a time in the day when everything is on "overload". (Back in the day, we called it "The witching hour".) The theory is that warmth, the soothing sound of mommy's heartbeat and maybe even skin contact calms all of those "mis-firings" down and therefore calms baby.
Well, it worked! Rachel plopped little Miss Annslie's butt in the Moby wrap and within seconds voila'!
Now, this got me to thinking... I think we as adults get "colic" too! We get to a point in our lives when everything just seems to "misfire". We are on "system overload". All we want to do is scream! Well? Why wouldn't a figurative "moby" work?
What we really need is to just get back to something familiar. Something warm, comforting. Back to something very basic. I think sometimes we put so much "over-stimulation" in our lives we forget how to be "quiet". We forget how to "Be Still".
So why not? Why not pull things in close. Get back to something very basic. Eliminate the unnecessary. Maybe if more people did... we'd have less "colicky" adults running around!
Just a thought.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've given a lot of thought the last few days to something really kind of odd. Stretching.
You know, it feels good to stretch. Whether first thing in the morning, before a workout, or after sitting for a long time, it feels good.
Then there are times when stretching doesn't feel so good. Those times when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. Learning something new. I've had a lot of that lately in my life. With the start of a new job there have been lots of things that I've had to learn and will continue to learn over the coming weeks and months.
I won't lie. There have been moments of frustration at not being able to quite figure out how to get certain things to work. I don't like not being able to get things quickly however, it actually feels good to "stretch" my brain. Learning new things, meeting new people, starting a new routine, finding a new rhythm has given me a sense of adventure and excitement. (When I'm not cursing the computer or other inanimate object!)
When you stop to think about it, what is the object of being stretched? To gain flexibility! In that respect one of the things I've noticed about older folks is that they loose their "flexibility". I wonder if this is because they resist being stretched? Learning new things. Exploring new ideas. If we can somehow maintain the wisdom that comes with age but also be open to new ideas, thoughts and ways of doing things I think maybe we can stay flexible!
So.... here's to stretching! I just hope I don't pull a muscle in the process!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today (in Australia) is our middle "baby's" birthday. Brianna turns 22 today. How fast the time has flown. I so clearly remember the day Brianna was born.
It was not an easy pregnancy. At about 7 months we had a routine ultrasound performed both to check gestational age but also because we wanted to find out what we were having! What normally would have been quite routine began a chain of events that ultimately ended up in an early delivery for Brianna.
As the ultrasound technician scanned my belly I watched intently. (I have always been fascinated by medical things.) Being able to "see" this little person that was living my my stomach was such a cool thing. Everything was there... fingers, toes, a little nose and yes, those chubby, chubby cheeks were already there. Her little heart was beating and... as the technician pointed out, "There's the upside-down McDonald's sign." (Indicating that indeed we were having another little girl.) But, as the tech measured head size, femur length etc. she noted that something didn't look quite right. Unable to disclose what she was seeing she went to get the midwife.
What they thought they were seeing was a breakdown in the placenta and a lack of acceptable growth of this little person. The feeling that comes over you when you hear that there may be something very wrong with your baby and their development is undescribable.
Fear washed over me. We had already lost a baby. I didn't know if I could endure the loss of another.
What the Drs. decided was that I was burning more calories than I was taking in. (I wonder if running a 12 child daycare out of my home had anything to do with that??) Their prescription was for me to drink a very high protein drink made up of protein powder, ice cream, and raw eggs AFTER I was in bed for the evening. Great, who doesn't like a milkshake delivered to them in bed after a long day?
WRONG.... What that prescription brought on was NOT fun. Horrible leg cramps, serious kidney infections (from an overload of protein) and a whole host of other issues continued for many weeks. After ending up in the hospital more than once and passing out in the middle of the kitchen floor at 6am in the morning they finally decided that enough was enough. Brianna would be better off "out" than "in". In the end, Brianna was just fine. Which goes to prove that even with all of the advancements in medical technology they can sometimes get it wrong! Either that or God just overrules!
You know, as I think back to those days they seem like such a distant memory but at the same time like they were yesterday. Even with all of the physical and emotional stress that accompanied Brianna's arrival I would not for even one second change any of it. From the moment she was born she has been such a joy. Oh, don't get me wrong... we had the typical "I don't think she's going to live to see...." days! A very stubborn nature (She once went two days without looking at or speaking to her "Grandpy" because he spanked her!) and the tenacity of a little pit bull puppy often landed her in a fair amount of trouble. However, along with those traits came a little girl who has a penchant for finding fun every where she went. (And still does!)
I've often said Brianna came out singing. She has always loved to make music and has made some of her most hated tasks, whether chores, schoolwork and even pain more bearable by singing her way through them.
This is the very first time in her life that Brianna hasn't been at home to celebrate her birthday. It makes me a bit sad because I'm quite aware that it will likely be the beginning of many that she will not share "at home". Yet another reminder that life moves on.
To say that it is strange having grown adult children is an understatement. We work hard to raise healthy, happy, responsible adults and before we know it... they are gone. Adults. Out in the world making their own way. It's odd isn't it, how fast that happens?
Happy Birthday Brianna! You are loved more than the sun, moon and stars!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Phases of Life

There are times in life when you wake up and suddenly realize that you've entered a new "phase".
Sometimes this may come as a welcome change. Others, we maybe head into grudgingly, unwilling to admit that time moves on and life changes.

There have been lots of changes to our "nest" lately and this Momma Bird is noting them.
As if a career change isn't enough add another grand baby to the mix along with sending a child to the other side of the planet (literally) and the preparation of the last "baby" for high school graduation and I'd say that I'm pretty much "phased out"!

Where has the time gone? Is it just me or do the days seem to be speeding by faster than ever? When I was the mom of preschoolers I felt like I was stuck in a never ending version of "Groundhog Day". Then, all of a sudden, without warning, those little faces are grown (and having their own babies!) moving to the other ends of the earth and have grown taller than their Daddy!

I am hoping that what will be documented here will not only document all the changes in life but will in some way provide encouragement to those who have yet to reach these those milestones in life. Life is constantly about changes... phases.... I guess the key is how we adapt, adjust and welcome each new phase. I hope I can navigate this one gracefully!