I've given a lot of thought the last few days to something really kind of odd. Stretching.
You know, it feels good to stretch. Whether first thing in the morning, before a workout, or after sitting for a long time, it feels good.
Then there are times when stretching doesn't feel so good. Those times when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. Learning something new. I've had a lot of that lately in my life. With the start of a new job there have been lots of things that I've had to learn and will continue to learn over the coming weeks and months.
I won't lie. There have been moments of frustration at not being able to quite figure out how to get certain things to work. I don't like not being able to get things quickly however, it actually feels good to "stretch" my brain. Learning new things, meeting new people, starting a new routine, finding a new rhythm has given me a sense of adventure and excitement. (When I'm not cursing the computer or other inanimate object!)
When you stop to think about it, what is the object of being stretched? To gain flexibility! In that respect one of the things I've noticed about older folks is that they loose their "flexibility". I wonder if this is because they resist being stretched? Learning new things. Exploring new ideas. If we can somehow maintain the wisdom that comes with age but also be open to new ideas, thoughts and ways of doing things I think maybe we can stay flexible!
So.... here's to stretching! I just hope I don't pull a muscle in the process!
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