Feathers From the Nest

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Reality

We live in a world that embraces make believe. We love fantasy. Movies transport us to worlds we can only imagine. Sometimes the fantasy is so "out there" we can file it away as just that. Fantasy. Other times the story is so real and we find ourselves relating to the characters so closely that our emotions can get caught up in the story. (Thus, the reason girls cry over romantic story lines.)
I've never been a fan of movies where the supernatural was prevalent. Movies about the Occult or anything even close have always really creeped me out. To me, that's just getting to close to flirting with reality, and the reality is that the world of satan and his minions is very,very real.
We caught a glimpse of that on Sunday morning. Those of us who have felt the call of God to reach out to the Arts community decided to go down to the Blue Star Arts District to see what was being offered in the way of spiritual things. We had a fair idea of what we would be walking into however, I think I can say we were totally unprepared for what we found.
About a hundred people, all stages in life gathered at a place called "Celebration Circle". Small children, the elderly... they were all there. Their eyes however all held the same expression. Emptiness. As we approached the doors the sense that we were about to enter enemy territory hit.
I will never forget the face of the man who "greeted" us at the door. He was NOT welcoming. NOT friendly. Almost wore a look of disdain. (I wonder now who I was looking at.)
The smell of incense was powerful. As we entered the room (a rented theater space) we stood far to the back of the room in a corner. Our goal was to just observe. Just as we acclimated to the room the leader instructed the group to turn to the east and begin "praying" to the "fire". (The sun) Soon they were chanting... "We are one".
Ok, so this is where we saw the exit and took it. Quickly. The same empty eyed, unfriendly man who was at the door when we entered opened the door for us as we left.
Guess what? It could have been the scene in a movie. It wasn't. It was REAL LIFE. There are people in downtown San Antonio who every Sunday gather to worship themselves, the earth, anything and everything other than the One True God. These are people who are searching for truth and acceptance. People who need to be introduced to the One that can give them joy, happiness and eternal life. These are the artists, musicians, creative people that the mainstream church has pushed aside. They are looking for love, acceptance and the deeper meaning of life.
I have no doubt we encountered the darkness that morning. I am quite sure the enemy is not too happy with us. After all, he is not omniscient. He didn't know we were coming, but he knows now! I'm guessing he isn't too happy about it either. As dark and scary as it is, it exists. We saw it. THAT is REALITY!

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